Lichfield Food Bank
The Lichfield Food Bank is a massive Churches-led community initiative which seeks to support the disadvantaged within our local area. A wide variety of churches and volunteers work within this project. Please offer your prayerful and practical support. Collection boxes are at all large food stores. If you wish to make a financial donation to the Foodbank it is possible to donate via their website |
Pathway Project
The Pathway Project was founded over 20 years ago by Kathy Coe, now its CEO, to support women and their children who have suffered domestic abuse. Kathy came to speak to St Michael’s Mothers’ Union several years ago about the work of the charity and since then we have been supporting Pathway with donations of cakes and clothing and with charity collections. We hold an annual Toy Service just before Christmas. |
St Michael’s Action for Africa – Development Projects
Over many years the St Michael’s Church congregation have been supporting the Christian charity Tools for Self-Reliance. This charity, through partnerships in various parts of Africa, provides refurbished hand tools and sewing machines to co-operative groups who are being trained in the skills needed to work their own way out of poverty. This collection of hand tools and sewing machines is continuing and is making a genuine difference in Africa. We also collect garden tools which are sold in monthly sales at Barton Methodist Church, with the funds raised being used to finance the training programmes in Africa. |
St Michael’s also supports the Bwengo Malawi Project which provides teaching and learning materials to schools in especially disadvantaged parts of Malawi; and we also have sent our redundant spectacles to that same destination.
These donations also still continue. Anyone who wishes to donate an item or take part in fund-raising is invited to speak with Trevor James on 01543-258434. |