Holy Week Services 2022
Sunday April 10th - Palm Sunday 10.00 Sr Michael's - Holy Communion for Palm Sunday, with reading of Passion story 10.00 St John's- Holy Communion 4.00 St. Michael's - Messy Church for Palm Sunday Monday April 11th 7.00 St Michael's - Compline Tuesday April 12th 7.00 St Michael's - Compline Wednesday April 13th 7.00 St Michael's - Compline Thursday April 14th - Maundy Thursday 6.00 St Michael's - Holy Communion Friday April 15th - Good Friday 2.00 St John's - Service of the last hour 2.00 to 3.00 St Michael's - Walk through the Easter story Sunday April 17th - Easter Day 8.00 St. Michael's - Holy Communion (BCP) 10.00 St. Michael's - Holy Communion 10.00 St. John's - Holy Communion |